Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Big Adventure

We're about to head out for "The Big Adventure." Six weeks, probably around 7000 miles, at least 19 states and 2 Canadian provinces. From ATX, up through Maine, into Canada, and back again. All in our faithful little Brown Car. Seems like a good way to waste away some summer days if you ask me.

This adventure really has already started, it started way back in November. Mike came home from work one day and asked me what I thought of taking a road trip - a really big road trip. And it went from there. The sabbatical request was submitted, it took forever to get approved, we planned anyway. Fingers crossed that the stars would align and summer would be spent together, all 4 of us. Hours of planning have gone into the route, accommodations, activities, etc.. More hours have been spent arranging a small army of very kind and generous people to care for the pups, fishes, plants, house, everything that we are leaving behind for 6 weeks. We have test-packed the car on 3 separate occasions already, one more test pack will happen in the next day or so. We've arranged time to visit family and friends, lots of plans of camping and being disconnected from everything but each other. We've slogged through another school year, trials at work, family members with health concerns. The trip has never been a sure thing. Maybe it is now, we'll know for sure when we actually pull out of the driveway. How many times during the last 6 months did I wonder if we were meant to go on this trip? Things would happen that would make it seem as if the universe was trying to tell us no, stay home, do something else. Then suddenly everything would resolve and fall into place and quite the opposite would be true. That is still happening, even today. The pull for us to do this seems so much stronger than the pull for us not to.

We have maps, and a thick folder of reservation confirmations and all other important things, a 3 page itinerary complete with stops for doing laundry and getting groceries. We have 80 pounds of dog food and 7 pounds of dog treats, extra fish food and filters. We have packing lists and chore lists. We have extra shoes and rain gear. We have so much excitement, and some of us have so many nerves and some anxiety. I worry about the pups, I'll miss them like crazy. Will they think I've abandoned them? Will they be mad at me for leaving them? Will they forgive me? Will they be good for all of their caregivers? More than that, did we bite off more than we can chew with this one? Only time will tell.

I hope that the dogs will be fine, that the fish will be fine, that the house will be fine. I hope that Mike comes home refreshed and ready to start work anew. I hope that the boys will remember this as one of the best summers ever, that they will be ready to tackle another school year. I hope that we have the adventure of a lifetime.

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