Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What, it's been a month already??!!

Hmmmm, still waiting on pictures of the bunkbeds are ya? Well, guess you'll just have to wait a little bit longer, because I still haven't taken any.

You would think that the extreme length of time between posts would indicate that we've actually been traveling the world or on some other great adventure. Nope, I'm just a great procrastinator and really, I swear I thought that I had updated this thing just a week or so ago.

So, in a nutshell, the last month? Well, it's been warm enough to swim so we filled the wading pool in the backyard and have been hitting it hard fairly often. The boys were so excited the first couple of times to go play in the water that they couldn't even be bothered with swimsuites. Yeah, they were skinny dippin'. Really, the only reason the bathing suits ever made it on was because there tender little heinies were getting stuck on the slide.

We've been having our share of around town playdate/adventures. Nothing too exciting or out of the ordinary.

Mother's Day was really nice. Mike and Alex got doughnuts for breakfast, we went to the park and rode the train, had lunch, napped, fixed dinner and even though it's been awhile, I think that we made it through the day with very minimal fussing from either of the munchkins.

This past weekend was a nice little 3 day holiday for Mike (weekends aren't much different than weekdays for me). We had friends over Sat. night and stayed up late playing games. The kids did good. Ben lasted until about 8:30 or so and then I had to put him to bed. Alex stayed up until 11. Now the only reason that is noteworthy is because he was up at 6 that morning and didn't nap at all during the day. Oddly though, he managed to stay in a good mood all day long. And no, he is not giving up his naps, that was just a fluke. I work very hard to wear them both out in the morning so that they take a nice long after-lunch nap. Anyway, Sunday we headed down to Camp Mabry to check out the Armed Forces Museum. We figured the tanks and planes would be a big hit. They were. We stayed around for a 1944 reenactment but got rained out. After lunch/naps we headed back downtown to the children's museum for a bit - they are free from 4 - 5 on Sundays. I wish I could say that Monday was also a fun/good day. No, Alex decided to drag out his alter ego of "I'm a major grump" and was an absolute nightmare all day long. Bedtime just couldn't come soon enough. Oh well, 2 out of 3 isn't bad.

As for me, well I seem to always find my way into about a million different projects at one time. So, I'm trying to keep on top of it all, and instead I'm procrastinating madly and reading books and playing games and doing anything but the stuff I should be doing.

That probably explains why it is 3 AM and I am updating a blog instead of sleeping :-)