Sunday, June 24, 2018

Day 8: Gatlinburg to Charlottesville, VA

Today's journey led us back into Virginia. We're not quite back to familiar ground yet, but close. The scenery is certainly familiar. Not much to report about the day, it was mostly driving. It's a pretty long haul from the Smoky Mountains to our spot in Shenandoah National Park. I'm very glad that Mike planned for this stop in Charlottesville. While I would love to spend as much time as possible in one of my favorite places, setting up camp and all that stuff after an 8 hour drive would not have been ideal. I'll be spoiled and take a nice cozy bed for a night before 3 on a 2" sleeping pad.

We made an unplanned stop in Natural Bridge today. I lived here for 25 years, Mike for 15 and neither of us had ever been there before. It's a state park now, apparently that just happened in Sept. 2016. The bridge is beautiful, Thomas Jefferson bought the property. It was surveyed by his father.  young George Washington fit into the story somewhere that my brain is failing to remember. Anyway, George climbed about 25 feet up the one wall and carved his initials into it - they are still there. The bridge is very beautiful, one of those really cool gifts of mother nature. There's a really easy 9/10 of a mile hike to a little waterfall. It was a nice place for lunch, a nice break in the drive.

Once we got to Charlottesville we walked around a very tiny part of the UVA campus, visited Edgar Allen Poe's dorm room, a few other pretty spots. Then it was onto the little outdoor mall for dinner. A bit humid tonight, there were storms off and on all day today, we drove through a couple. The humidity is lingering. There were a fair number of homeless people hanging around the mall, I don't recall that from visits past. But, the last time I was here was 20+ years ago.

We're headed to Shenandoah tomorrow. Don't know the likely-hood of being able to update this for the next few days. I know there won't be wifi, cell service will be spotty at best and blogger is terrible on the phone. So, if nothing else, we'll touch base again on Thursday!

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