Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The End

We've made it to the end of another school year. Almost.  As usual, I can't wait for summer break.  There are lots of very amusing blog posts out there about the evils of May and limping to the finish line and all of that stuff.  And yes, I see bits of all of that here.  I sent Ben's half-eaten homework (courtesy of Winnie) to school last Friday and I didn't even care, didn't even bat an eye. Earlier in the year I might have printed out a new copy for Ben, but I certainly didn't care about it 2 weeks before the end of the school year. I see lots of people talking about how their kids' schools stop doing work and just play games and have parties the last couple of weeks of school.  Not so out here, there are still assignments due, still homework to do, tests to take, it doesn't end until it's over next Friday. We are all struggling to get up in the mornings, so many more fun things await us all instead of a day at school. I'm up there too. I just finished reading with my charges last week.  The teachers decided to give them a break the last two weeks. I need the break! I've replaced the reading with inventory.  I am inventorying the book room. Thousands and thousands and thousands of books, and only one of me. Not such a bad job though, no one to talk to, no one to interrupt me. It does get tedious, but that's what breaks are for.

We may yet skip a few days before the end of the year - have to have a donut day, never did manage it during the school year. We'd like to pick some peaches, though it seems we may have already missed the boat on that this year thanks to zero winter and a very wet spring. We may just skip because we're done and don't want to go anymore!

At any rate, we're at the end. Summer awaits, it ought to be a good one!

every summer has a story:

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Choose Your Own Adventure

There's always lots going on and I write these posts in my head all the time.  I know, doesn't do you all alot of good that way. So today I write for real (sort of).  You get a one or two sentence blurb of an event and you get to fill in the details on your own.  Sounds fun, right?!  In no particular order I now invite you to...

The stairs - construction is still ongoing, little by little, the end is sort of in sight.

Camping - took the boys on their very first real live camping trip a couple of weeks ago.  You get to decide how it went!

Dogs - apparently bunnies are REALLY fun to chase, especially over a fence in the midst of a severe raging thunderstorm with continuous lightning and torrential downpours. Coyotes are also fun to chase at 11:00 at night.

Alex - new red glasses, no more booster seat, violin lessons, new bike, Rube Goldberg projects...

Ben - FINALLY got the "Out of this World Leader" award, guitar lessons, new guitar, still in the booster seat, robots.

The garden - sunflowers, pomegranates, peaches.

Mike & Christina - still here, 19 years (almost), can't wait for summer vacation, those darn stairs.

Texas - usual crazy silly weather, missed strawberry picking this year, peaches are early and plentiful though.

School - ALMOST over, not soon enough.