Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Halloween fun actually started at the beginning of Oct. for us. We went to our first Halloween playdate the first week of the month. Alex got to color pumpkins, make a hand-print bat, and do all sorts of other halloween-y art projects.

We headed out to Sweet Berry farm the next week for pumpkin picking. Daddy came with us and we had a great time. We took a hayride (a first for both the boys), saw horses, donkeys, goats walking up trees, and lots of other fun stuff. A good time was had by all!
Our next little halloween activity was painting the pumpkins we bought at the farm. Alex had so much paint on his hands he was the only kid that had to be hosed off! I thought his pumpkin would never dry. An interesting little side note to this, the painted pumpkin has been sitting outside for a couple of weeks now. The paint is starting to peel off the pumpkin, but it looks really cool and is totally in the "eerie" spirit of halloween!
Then the parties started. We had 3 parties in 4 days. I was exhausted, Alex and Ben had a blast. Somewhere along the line I found time to make a couple of costumes. I'm glad we have had so many opportunities to wear them.
I forgot to mention that prior to today, Alex would only wear his almost too small cowboy costume from last year. And, thanks Grammy, Grandpa, Grandma Rita, Great Grandma and Grandpa B., and Great Aunt Jane for all the cool halloween toys & treats!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

This one's for the fam...

I've been meaning to send out updates on the boys forever and a day, but I never seem to find the time to do it. I thought it would be fun to actually do a little newsletter periodically, but then I realized that requires way more time and effort than I have. So, this will have to suffice.

So, what's going on with my little guys? Well, Alex is a totally typical two and a half year old. He's super sweet and fun one minute, and super cranky the next!! You just never know what will set him off. However, he has recently begun to understand his feelings and is exercising his ever increasing vocabulary by telling us "I'm upset because..." Wow, amazing how well talking works to solve problems!! Seriously though, he's awesome and perfect and I wouldn't change a thing about him. He also loves to be creative. He loves to pretend he's a million different animals, and he loves to sing songs and draw pictures. Anything with stickers is fantastic!

Alex also figured out how to make the pedals on his tricycle go all the way around. One of his all time favorite things to do is "ride all around the block". He's anxious to tell whoever he sees that he can go all the way around now.

As for Ben, well, his favorite thing to do is bother Alex! Ben wants to be wherever Alex is, play with the same things, follow Alex around, try to eat his food, you get the picture! He loves to ride in the little red wagon, especially when Alex is pulling him. He's officially 10 months old now and he just totally amazes me. He sprouted his first two teeth a short while ago and he's walking all over the place. He even figured out how to stand up without holding onto anything a couple of days ago. Crazy! Now, if I could just figure out how to get him to sleep a bit better we'd be all set.

So that's the quick and dirty on the boys. As for Mike and I, well, what do you really want to know? There's not much to tell. Curling started again back in Sept. It's still the greatest sport ever! Alex actually came out and pushed a stone with me a few weeks ago, so so cute! I run all day with the boys, we always seem to have some place to go. Much to Alex's dismay, Mike has to work, but he gets a few minutes of playtime in during the day.

Stayed tuned to this blog in the future, and I'll try my best to keep it fairly current on all the happenings with my munchkins!! As for this coming week, we've got plans for everything from trips to the bookstore, to picnics, to plain old fashioned playtime.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Fond Farewell

Today marked the end of baby days. It shouldn't be hard to say "good-bye" to stuff, but it is. We carted off some of our no-longer needed baby items (infant car seat, 1 of 4 strollers, extra playpen, baby bottles, burp cloths, etc.) I found a worthwhile organization that helps homeless children and they readily accepted the stuff. I'm glad that everything went to a good new home. But I didn't expect to tear up over a pile of things that we no longer need. I guess it just reaffirms that there will be no more newborns in this house and that Alex is a little boy and Ben has officially become a toddler. I just need to remember that it is just stuff, the memories are in my head and in the pictures, not the baby things.

I actually started this post yesterday, got interrupted and am just now getting a chance to finish it. That empty space in the family room where the swing was actually doesn't seem quite so empty now, and, I don't have to worry about Ben and Alex bonking themselvs in the head on it anymore. As for the other stuff that's gone, yeah I kind of like that extra space too!! Of course, realistically that space is going to be filled by new kid stuff soon. Holidays and birthdays are just around the corner.

So yesterday it was hard, today I am very glad I found a good home for those things and I'm not so sad!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Wascally Wabbits!

We've got a garden which has been somewhat neglected (OK, all but totally neglected) since the kiddos were born. Earlier in the spring I found a packet of quick-growing cantelope seeds. They sounded like fun, I thought Alex would enjoy it. Mostly it was just me wanting to do something "exciting" in my garden. So, into the ground they went. My seeds grew into sprouts which bloomed. The blooms quickly got eaten by the bunnies, every one. Out came the chicken wire, no more bunnies!! This is TX, and it gets hot. Really hot. Really, really, really hot this summer. All the gallons of water did not do anything to repel the heat and my vines wilted away. I wrote it off as a lost cause and thought well at least the vines were pretty for awhile.

Then came Sept. When we were out playing with the boys I decided to peruse the garden. To my surprise there was an honest to goodness cantelope growing. Then I poked around some more, I actually had 3 cantelopes! The heat had finally subsided and we had gotten some rain. There are "second crop" peaches, it seems I was growing some second crop cantelopes. Over the last two months I checked my cantelopes everyday, giving them water and attention. They weren't growing much in size (the largest was about the size of a softball), but they appeared to be ripening. Just yesterday I thought it was nearing harvest time. Apparently I wasn't the only one watching my mini melons. Some bunny dug under my chicken wire last night and swiped all 3. I hope the little guy had a good meal, because he sure did bum me out this morning!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Catching up with the Jones'

Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I've started a blog. Ugh, what was I thinking. Anyway, here's the first post.

Daddy said Alex is a true "Texan". In the car today Alex spotted an American flag. He commented on the big flag and then wanted to know "where is the one big star"? He was referring to the Texas state flag and was very happy to then see a Texas flag with it's one white stripe, one red stripe and one big star. He now knows the difference between the Texas flag and the American flag. What a cutie!