Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Shoes

In an effort to keep up with my goal of 1 - 2 posts a week, I thought it was time for a new one. I don't have a whole lot to write about. The weather is doing its crazy central Texas thing - 80 degrees yesterday, 45 today, 30's tomorrow, and back up into the 60s/70s Tuesday. Man these temp swings can be tough. Summer clothes never totally get packed away. Ahh, but you don't want to hear about the weather.

We bought Ben his first pair of "real" shoes yesterday, which is actually his second pair. The shoes he had been wearing were pedipeds. For you non-moms out there these are soft soled shoes, supposed to be good for those little toesies when the kiddos are learning to walk. I bought them because Ben was standing and I didn't expect him to be taking off walking quite so soon. But he did and the shoes actually worked out really well for him. That was back in the beginning of Oct.

As you well know, kids feet grow faster than any other part on their bodies apparently. I took stock of Alex's old cast off shoes and loaded the boys in the car. Off we went to Sandy's - best place in town for kid's shoes. Ben's got big feet! Alex's old shoes were either too small or too big, Ben happened to be in that one size that we never bought for Alex.

I'd like to say that Ben adjusted to his new real shoes immediately. My normally smiley baby had no problem with me or the salesperson putting the shoes on his feet but he absolutely refused to stand, for anything. Sandy's is a great shoe store, and it's got a fantastic selection of toys too. Nothing in that store would get Ben to stand. So, I left the new shoes on his feet, paid for them and carried him next door to the best toy store in town. He finally stood at the train table with Alex and Daddy. He tripped a couple of times when he first started out, but he's a pro now. I guess he just needed to have the old shoes out of sight/out of mind!

Side note to all of this. We hadn't planned on going into the toy store. Well we did initially but Alex was being a crab so we decided he didn't quite deserve the treat of Terra Toys. But, his incredibly wet diaper leaked and I didn't have a change of clothes. Normally not a big deal but we did have other things to do and couldn't let Alex be uncomforatble in wet pants all afternoon. Terra Toys just so happens to carry a little boutique line of childrens clothes. While Mike took Alex to go buy diapers (yep forgot to bring the diaper bag) I went on the hunt for a pair of pants that wouldn't bankrupt me. I finally found a pair that was obscenely expensive (considering that I rarely pay over $4 or MAYBE $5 for clothes for the kids). It would be fitting if I said that the pants were poorly made and a huge waste of money. They fit Alex better than any other pants he has and they are cute and well made and I'll be able to pass them on to Ben. Expensive, yes, but worth every penny.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christina!!
    LOVE hearing about the boys, they are just so adorable. I wish we lived close together, I know the kids would all have a blast playing together. And we love pedipeds around here, too. Their flex line is great when they get older!!
