Sunday, March 22, 2015

So Long Spring Break

Sad sad day :-( It's officially the end of Spring Break.  I remember looking forward to Spring Break when I was growing up.  It always coincided with Easter, which usually meant a visit from Grandma and Grandpa, and all the fun stuff that happens at Easter time.  Once in awhile we would trek up to D.C. to check out the cherry blossoms, usually there was a day trip to Monticello or Mount Vernon or some other cool historic place.  In college I only took one spring break trip, and that was with Mike to Florida.  Always good memories, always sad to see it end.  Now, I long for the break because it's just that much more time I get to spend with the boys.

Here's a brief recap of the week.  It wasn't the best weather wise, but it wasn't a total washout either.  We managed a few bike rides, went swimming once, had lunch with daddy.  Alex had his annual well check which meant Ben got to spend the afternoon with his best buddy.  Friday and Saturday were a wash with rain.  Today the weather was beautiful but everything is sopping wet still, so the kids got hair cuts and played a very rousing game of monopoly with dad for the afternoon.  Not the most memorable break ever.  We usually trek up to Waco for a trip to the zoo, or to Marble Falls for strawberry picking, or to parks we haven't visited in a very long time.  We didn't manage any of those things this time.

We didn't manage  much, yet I am still so very sad that it's over.  It's so great to watch the boys relax and enjoy being boys and running around shouting Harry Potter curses at each other.  It was nice that Mike had a 3 day weekend. It was nice not having to get up early, not having a schedule to stick to, not having to deal with people, homework, school, any of it.  Tomorrow the house will be stupid quiet and it's back to the routine and I am back to volunteering at school and I am already counting the days until summer break and 3 glorious months without school.

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