Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Ups and Downs

I got a couple of extra days with the boys this week.  Each February the school district shuts down for a few days for teacher continuing ed conferences.  It's a nice mid-winter break for everyone.

Anyway, it's been nice having the kids home even if they are a little crazy.  We've definitely hit the stage of "boys will be boys".  Today's example - Alex brings me the electric pencil sharpener.  He says he jammed it when he stuck the eraser in it to sharpen. Apparently erasers aren't the only foreign objects to get shoved into the pencil sharpener.  Apparently the pencil sharpener isn't the only thing of mom's to be abused.  The kid gets a few points for honesty and not screaming about it as if the world is going to end.  But...

Oh, it's all academic anyway.  Every single one of us went through this stuff as a kid.  Every single parent got irritated and frustrated with it.  Most of us come out the other side of it all right.  I thought I had a few more years before it all started, but nope, pre-teen kid has officially joined the household.

It all just adds to the general winter malaise that seems to have settled over me.  February is a hard month for  many reasons: bills, mid-winter doldrums, too much school before summer, etc..  I don't dislike February at all, but I just can't seem to find a center of balance and happiness at the moment.  The weight of all the little things in my world seems magnified and immense and quite frankly I'd really just like to crawl back into bed with Mike and a good book and my blanket and wake up when the sun is shining all the time and school is over and I don't really care how much crap gets shoved in my pencil sharpener.

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