Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Feb. 24

Let's see... the usual of not much happening here the last week.  A few really warm days followed by some really cold ones.  School was even delayed 2 hours this morning over the threat of ice.  Yeah, just a threat. Better safe than sorry I guess.

Mike is happy at work, insanely busy as usual, but he seems to like his new role.  Sounds like he'll finally get to hire someone to do his other job so hopefully by May or June he'll be out from under the strain of two jobs.

I decided against curling again this season.  It's odd, I miss it very much but I'm generally not sad on Sunday mornings when I don't go.  The last couple of seasons I played I was stuck with teams that just didn't feel like showing up a lot of the time.  Really hard to find a way to enjoy the game when I can't get a consistent team from week to week and we were hard pressed to win any games (and no, it's NOT about winning, but that sure is fun sometimes).  And the cost went up. So. In the fall I'll reevaluate and maybe go back out again.

The kinder class that I taught Spanish to is no more.  The teacher had to retire due to some very serious health issues.  Circumstances being what they were (too much to go into here) the administrators split the kids among the other kinder classes.  I cannot express how incredibly happy I was to drop that Spanish class. Such a great release.  I thought that would free up a bit of my time Wednesday mornings but as I was working with the teachers to rearrange my schedule one asked me if I could work with one of her kids in my now free time.  So, not the time break I was hoping for, but no Spanish and that is a good thing.  Now if I can just finish out the last few weeks of library time Spanish I will be free!

I am still spending lots of time on the MOOCs.  They are so fascinating.  Among others, I am retaking the guitar course I did a few months back.  This time a friend is taking it with me. She is really wanting to learn to play the guitar, as am I.  We figured together we might actually accomplish something.  So we are taking the class, finding some time to get together every week or two to practice and our goal is to actually be able to play by the end of the year.  The boys want me to practice with them every day while they practice the piano.  It's good to be held accountable!

And now... I have a hot cup of tea to drink and the funnies to read.

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