Thursday, October 7, 2010

This and that...

I got so far behind that I think I just didn't want to play catch up again and everytime I thought about updating this blog it was just too disheartening. So I didn't update it for a long time.

Nothing super momentous that hasn't already been mentioned in another post happened during the past couple of months. The weather turned nice a couple of weeks ago and has simply been gorgeous. We usually don't see this until the end of Oct. or early Nov.. The windows are open and we spend far more time playing outside than inside. I went to the park 3 separate times on Tuesday and 4 times Wednesday. Each time we were there for a good hour or so. Alex decided Tuesday that he wanted to try riding his bike again. He is doing great, we're not ready to give up training wheels yet, but at least he is comfortable riding in general. Ben too has figured out how to get the tricycle moving on it's own. We have a little bike that is his size and I think it is about time to get the tires inflated and let him go.

So why did I pick today to update the blog. Mostly it's because I have the time. Alex seems to have caught some little bug, he is a bit under the weather today. It's a movie watching day. Ben is content to sit and watch movies all day too. So that leaves me with plenty of time on my hands. I've been semi productive in folding laundry and doing a little cleaning. Mostly I've been wanting to stay close to Alex. The boys never get sick so it's hard on me when one of them isn't feeling quite up to par. Anyway I've got to do something to fill the hours today. It's not quite noon yet and it has been a LOOOOONG day already.

My gardens have had an interesting fall. In early September tropic storm Hermine paid us a visit. Actually a rather extended visit. The storm remained formed and as a tropical storm that sat and churned over top of us for about 2 days. All total we got upwards of 15 inches of rain. That actually killed a couple of my plants, but the rest are now happy. My prickly pear bloomed out of season a week or so later. The basil that is normally fried and toast by this time of the year is huge, in fact I need to make something with it. My tomatoes and peppers are trying for a late surge as well. It's nice having pretty things growing.

Speaking of gardening/landscaping we finally put a path in the front yard. It was starting to wear from everyone walking through the yard, now it is officially a nice stone path.

And that is pretty much what's been going on. I'm working hard on halloween costumes. Hopefully I will have them done with time to spare although I'm not counting on it. Perhaps that is what I should be doing while the boys are vegetating!

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