Monday, October 25, 2010

An Art Filled Weekend

This weekend was the annual Texas Clay Festival. This is a fantastic festival for anyone who is a potter or interested in pottery. It features potters from all over Texas. There are lots of demo areas and everything imaginable made out of clay. I could easily have spent all weekend there. But, with two little guys who are much more interested in playing than looking at a bunch of things they aren't allowed to touch, we only spent a little time at the festival, most of which was actually in the kids tent messing with clay. For the first time I did not bring home anything and that is only because I didn't have enough time to look and narrow down my selection. It was worth the drive (about an hour to a town called Gruene) just to get the inspiration to go back to my wheel. There was also an added bonus of lunch at the Gristmill.

The art festivities continued on Sunday when we met Steph & Michael for the reopening of a gallery here in Austin called Arthouse. Very cool place. The main exhibit was glass bottles that had been reformed and made into dishes. Sounds kind of weird and the picture in the paper didn't do the exhibit justice. It was just really well done, really neat. Of course the boys sniffed out the kids craft room. They have a knack for finding the project areas wherever we go. They seemed to like the gallery too.

As for the rest of the weekend, lots of the usual playing and watching football. I curled Sunday morning, lost my game by about 1/2" on the last rock thrown. Heartbraking, but that is the best way to lose. Way better than being completely thrashed by the opponent. I'm still looking for my first win of the season. Technically we won a game, but at the time we agreed before starting that the outcome would be a draw no matter what.

I finished Alex's halloween costume. He will be the best looking chef ever. I'll post pictures when I get them.

Tucker's leg is healing, we are midway through week 2 of 12 in the crate. He gets his staples out this week and hopefully that means the end of the cone of shame.

The boys recovered quickly and fully from their illnesses, good Alex seems to have returned and that's about all I;ve got for you for now!

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