There are 3 inhabitants right now: George & Gracy are convict cichlids, and Alfred is a pleco (algae eater). We actually got the fish from one of my friends. Alfred we had planned on taking, but George & Gracy turned out to be the only other fish we could catch. I think I mentioned before how ridiculous it was trying to catch them. Anyway, I thought you might like to see some pictures.

George & Gracy are a mating pair. Not too long after we got them, just a couple of weeks actually, Gracy laid a bunch of eggs. We watched them, they hatched after a couple of days and there were no babies to be seen. Just this past week Gracy laid another batch of eggs, these have hatched and from what I can see there are at least 4 or 5 of the fry that are alive at the moment - we'll see if that lasts. It's been quite ineresting watching the whole process. Cichlids, particularly the kind that we have breed at the drop of a hat. If we're not careful, we could end up with tons of fish!
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