Sunday, March 21, 2010


I'm going to use curling for my excuse as to why I haven't spent more time updating this. While it is true that I only actually get to curl once a week, I have spent alot of time just about every day for about the past month doing curling work. The olympics were huge for our club this year. We held two open houses in honor of the games. The first was on the last day of the olympics and the second was a week later. We (the curling club board members) were thinking that a combined turnout of between 50 and 60 people would be a success. In actuality, we took 410 people onto the ice the first week and then 452 people the second week. It was insane, but everyone had a great time and somehow or other we managed to make it work. So as not to bore you with the details I'll just say that this led to an incredible amount of work for me. While it has kept me busy and from doing more fun things like updating this blog, it has been exciting knowing that so many people want to try this very cool sport.

The Texas Open Bonspiel is coming up again in just a few weeks. I'll be heading to Houston in mid-April to play again. I'm on the same team as last year, maybe we will again score a big win! There are lots of people from our club going so it should be a great weekend, although I will miss Mike and the boys immensely.

Finally, and this is the best curling news of all so I saved it for last, our season has ended. OK, that's not happy news, but it ended on a GREAT note for me. My team had the best regular season record so we earned the number one spot in the championship game. It was fabulous to win the season. Today was the championship game. To put it mildly, we totally walloped our opponents. The game was over after 4 ends, we were so far ahead it was crazy. Our opponents only scored 1 point the whole game. We scored MANY more :-) So, in my first season ever as a skip I won the regular season and the championship game. I'm floating pretty high right now. I am already looking forward to September and the start of our next season. Hopefully I have secured my place as a skip. This is, without a doubt, the coolest game ever!

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