His favorite book is "Ten Apples Up on Top" by Theo LeSieg (a.k.a Dr. Seuss, but this was written prior to taking on the Dr. Seuss name.) We read it at least 3 or 4 times each day, always before nap and always before bed, and often times in between. He walks around saying "read up on top". It's actually only been the last couple of months that Ben will actually sit through an entire story, he never seemed to have the patience for it before. Now he will read for hours (OK, maybe not QUITE that long, but a really long time for a really little guy!)
He loves to wear my shoes, and I certainly leave him plenty of opportunity as I seem to have a hard time putting them away. The other day he was getting a little frustrated because he was having trouble walking in my Z-CoiL sandals, so I let him wander around in my gym shoes for awhile - too cute!
Ben is definitely attached to Daddy right now. When Daddy isn't with us on our daily excursions he does just fine with me. But, whenever Daddy is around, that who Ben wants and mommy might as well cease to exist. That's alright, big brother Alex went through the same phase. I'll get over it :-)
There are a million and one cute things he does every day, it's hard to pick one or two to share. He's so sweet and I don't even have the words to express it! We're so lucky to have him, and even luckier to have two kiddos like that. I often take it for granted, especially when I have to deal with their VERY bad days, but the truth is even on the awful days I wouldn't trade it for anything!
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