Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Day 38: Dayton, OH to Cave City, KY

Yay, it’s my birthday! Was kind of fun to wake up in the city where I was born. Of course, I have spent many birthdays there, we were always there for vacation in the summer. It seems that even as an adult I am rarely home on my birthday. Guess it’s a good time of year to travel!

Anyway, we went back to the Huffman Prairie airfield to look around properly today. Saw the first airplane hangar, the storage barn the Wright brothers built, saw the catapult the built to launch the planes. There were stones marking the area where the first flight school stood. Yes, it’s just a field in the middle of nowhere, but it’s still neat to see.

The plan was tohead straight to Mammoth Cave, see what we had time for this afternoon.  We contemplated stopping by Fort Knox, we were passing right by it, decided there probably wadn’t Really much point in that. We did continue with our presidential history bit of the trip though. We stopped just outside of Hodgenville, KY to see Lincoln’s birthplace. There is a cabin enshrined on the site. For many years it was thought that that particular cabin was the lig Cave Lincoln was born in. However, in 2004 they were able to date it better to the 1849s, so after Lincoln’s birth. However, it’s representative of the cabins of that time  do it remains as theLincoln cabin. Sinking Springwas the name of the farm.

We had a little time to explore the visitor center and some of the hiking trails in Mammoth Cave National Park today. We hiked down to the River Styx. As we neared the entrance to the Cave it felt like someone was blasting the AC on high. We could walk down the steps a short way to see the Cave entrance. Tomorrow we have a cave tour booked in the morning, more hiking in the afternoon.

Surprisingly, we found a decent Mexican place for dinner. We have intentionally avoided all Mexican food up to this point on the trip. Carlos O’Kelkts in Stafford does not count as Mexican food - sorry Mom!

To wind up our day, Alex was able to use his telescope again. We’ve been gone long enough that we get a second full moon and are again in a good place to view it.

We have surpassed the 5000 mile mark - by a couple hundred miles actually. We crossed back into the central time zone today so we’re back on Texas time. We somehow miraculously managed to pack the car with all the extra things we picked up in Vandalia, including the guitar. And, I can still see out the back window when i’m Driving. We were supposed to camp here in Mammoth Cave, but a few days ago the weather looked iffy so we got a hotel instead. Of course the weather cleared and camping would probably have been just fine. It’s pretty humid though, and pretty warm during the day. I figured once we left Canada I would not be cold again until November/December. Looks like I was wrong, happily! The temp in the cave tomorrow is in the mid-50s. It’s a 2 hour tourin that cool cave, i’m Guessing i’ll Beolenty cold, and I look forward to that. As for tonight, time to wrap this up and get to bed. We have an early start to the day tomorrow.

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