Friday, July 6, 2018

Day 19: Gettysburg Re-enactment

Today (well yesterday since it was very late when we ended our day) we spent at a farm a couple of miles outside of Gettysburg where they do a 4 day re-enactment. Yesterday was the start of the 155th anniversary of the Gettysburg battle.  It was a fun day. Stupid hot again. Didn’t help that we were in a giant field with little to no shade. There was lots of cool stuff to see. There were two main tents with presentations on various aspects of the civil war. We caught snippets of a period band, civil war medicine, Pinkerton’s spies, and a few others. We wandered through the living history portion of the event as well, spoke with some interesting reenactors. One was a war correspondent, there were a couple of laundresses too. Interesting to learn more about that bit of history.

Of course there was the “battlefield” itself. We saw one battle, watched some mortar and artillery demonstrations, and the Gettysburg address.

We met up with my sister-in-law Erin and her girls. That was fun, always nice to get more family time in.

We would have liked to see more actual field re-enactment stuff, but there wasn’t anymore to see yesterday. This is a 4 day event though and it looks like the bigger portions of the battle will be today and tomorrow. So yes, it was fun, would do it again, but maybe change my expectations some.

After the battlefield we went to see Sach’s covered bridge and revisited Devil’s Den. Met up with the family for dinner and then took our niece Susan on a ghost tour walk with us. Made for a late night but the stories were fascinating and it was a fun way to end our time in Gettysburg.

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