Saturday, April 18, 2015

Meet the Gang

So you think you know our 4-legged family members.  Think again, and allow me to enlighten you.  In no particular order, I now present: Sandy, Tucker, CoCo, Arthur, Sherman, and the Fish

 I'm Sandy.  At 17 years old I really don't do too much.  My favorite thing to do is find a sunny spot to sleep in, preferably on mom & dad's bed.  I have inflammatory bowel disease so I get to eat rabbit every single day because it's the only thing that doesn't bother me too much.  Otherwise I'm healthy for an old guy.  I do have a bad habit - if my litter box isn't cleaned every single day I'll pee on the floor right beside it.  Oh yeah, and because of the IBD I tend to have more "hairballs" than most cats.  Hehehe, mom and dad have to keep their bed covered with plastic so that I won't puke all over it.

I'm Arthur - the baby of the bunch.  I'm not quite 1 1/2 yet.  I'm pretty stinkin' cute and everybody knows it.  My favorite thing to do is sit on mom, she's nice and snuggly.  It's great in the winter, we keep each other warm and she covers me with a blanket.  I'm still kind of a puppy but I'm learning.  I jump on people when they come to the house, I like to dig in the yard.  I love to chase a tennis ball and go for walks.  My bad habits?  I LOVE to eat lego tires, yummy yummy things.  I also like to jump up on the kitchen table when nobody is watching. CoCo is my best buddy and we like to play together.

Hi - I'm Tucker.  I am almost 15 years old.  Like my cat brother Sandy I spend most of my time sleeping, usually under the bed or in the office.  I'm definitely Daddy's dog, but I love everybody.  It's my job to bark at every single thing because I can hear things that nobody else can, but that's only when I'm awake.  I still like to take walks but I can't go very far, my knee starts to hurt.  I'm actually kind of obnoxious to walk because I like to pee on everything and bark at everything, but hey, I'm old so I should be allowed to do what I want.  Bad habits?  Yeah, everybody has at least one.  Mine is really gross, but I'm a dog, so who cares.  I like to eat dog poop.  Yep, that's it. Fortunately I don't try to lick people anymore, they probably wouldn't like that.

I'm CoCo, and I'm 6 years old.  I am a very special girl; super needy, and I really hate being separated from mom.  I have epilepsy so I have to get pills 5 times a day which I don't really like but I usually do pretty good taking.  Seizures always make me confused and I feel really bad that I have them even though it's not my fault. Mom and Dad are good about taking care of me through them and afterwards though.  I don't really like pollen or rain water on my feet so I don't really like going outside right now.  That means that I pee in my crate a lot (but nowhere else in the house), but I'm working on it and I am getting better.  I like to play ball and I'm really good on walks.  I get nervous when there's too much noise so sometimes I bark if I don't understand what's going on.  But I don't eat poop, or lego tires, so that's good, right?

I'm Sherman the hermit crab.  I don't have 4 legs but I still live here and insisted that I be included.   Right now I am very happy that it is spring, winter is too cold and I didn't like coming out of my shell.  But now that the weather is warm, I am out all the time.  I do like to be held and I have recently discovered that I like to climb.  It's a pretty good life, and the cage keeps me safe from the other crazy animals in the house.

And finally, "The Fish".  There are so many of us. It's really not quite fair that there is no picture.  We are loved though.  Some of us live in a big tank in the playroom, some in a small one on the mantle, and some in the two tanks in the kids room.  Lots and lots of fish.  We are peaceful and calm and restore the balance to this house full of crazy animals.

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