- Clearly in the last post I was rather miffed with the pets. They still are irritating me. Tucker has decided that as an old dog he clearly doesn't have to go out to potty past 8:00 at night. Which means that as soon as he wakes up in the morning if we aren't up he'll stand right by the bed and bark and pee on the floor. Great. So now we have to be mean and get his creaky old bones outside late at night. CoCo is being retrained to go potty outside. That's mostly a success as dogs will do anything for treats. She doesn't like the wind, or wet ground, or pollen, or dry ground, or oh, let's face it, ANYTHING on her feet. Fun times. again. She really is getting a bit better, at least about doing what she needs to do outside. She's not really keen on going to the door to be let out and I have to stand out there with her with a constant "Come on Coco, go potty..." What the neighbors must think. Actually, I don't care what they think.
- If the existing pets weren't enough, we added more. Had an empty fish tank, there are now some neon tetras in there. So far only limited success in their survival rate. Oh well. And we thought Sherman might be lonely so now he has a friend - Herman. Herman and Sherman are really the only non-annoying animals at the moment.
- Got a new grill on Saturday. Mike is in heaven :-) Dinner has been great this week.
- School stuff is winding down, no more Spanish after this week.
- Both kids have field trips on Friday - I am going with Ben, Mike is taking the day off and going with Alex.
There's a few other little things going on. But I'm not much in the mood to write about them at the moment. Alex got sick this evening, just some little stomach bug. A sick child throws me so far out of balance and worries me more than anything imaginable, even when I know it is a minor quickly passing thing. It's almost more than my heart can bear to see my littles hurting like that. I know, I have got to get over that one.
So that's where I'll leave it. Hoping my little guy sleeps peacefully and wakes up hungry and full of energy. Regardless he will be spending the day with me tomorrow and that makes me happy.