Sunday, August 1, 2010

A Sunday Summary...

Here it is Sunday again, and time for another weekly round up. Had a pretty fun week with the boys, I felt like we were out and running all day every day, so much so that I forgot most of what we actually did. I know it involved the requisite play dates with friends, rough housing, trips to the grocery store, just our everyday routine. There were a couple of things of note though, so here goes.

1. Otosclerosis. By now I think just about everyone who reads this knows what I'm talking about. But, for kicks and giggles I'll explain anyway. I finally decided to get my hearing checked by an ENT. The upshot of that was that Mike got to stay home and play with the boys for the morning while I sat in the doctors office going through LOTS of various hearing tests. The other plus is that I now know why I can't hear. Otosclerosis - the stapes bones have deteriorated and don't function properly anymore. The good news is that it is fixable and that my auditory nerves are just fine. So, when I get the problem fixed I should hear great. The down side is that it is going to require surgery to fix the problem. Two surgeries actually, one for each ear, about a year or so apart. The left side will be fixed first because it is the worst, that is scheduled for Aug. 26. When all is said and done I will have prosthetic bones in my ears - weird, but hey, hopefully I'll be able to hear (although I really don't think I'm missing much now...)

2. Peaches! We got about 8 more peaches off of our tree. There was an offshoot of the tree that had a bunch of peaches on it that never ripened. I expected them to simply wither and fall off. Apparently not. It would seem that since the peaches from the main trunk of the tree all ripened, the tree then dedicated it's resources to this little offshoot and matured the rest of the peaches. We would have had more, but I didn't realize they were growing so I didn't do anything to keep the squirrels and bunnies away. Alex & Ben were the ones who discovered the second crop of peaches. They saw a squirrel take one at breakfast one morning.

3. Farmer's Market - The Cedar Park farmer's market that opened earlier this year just changed locations, now it is just 5 minutes from our house. It's in the parking lot of the mall Saturday mornings. While this isn't the most glamorous of locations aesthetically, it has been wonderful for the market itself. There are no size constraints and there were tons of vendors. We got eggs and peaches, and a couple of other things this week. I love that it is so close to home and so nice!

4. Finally, I'll leave you with this video of my little Ben. I'd like to thank my friend Lori for lending me her daughter's ballet recital outfit:

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