Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Although it was only a couple of weeks ago, Easter seems as if it happened in another lifetime.

As with all holidays lately, it seems that we started celebrating weeks in advance. Between the 3 different mom's groups and private parties we were invited to, we must have done at least 4 or 5 egg hunts this year. The upshot of it all is that we could reuse all those plastic eggs! The boys had a blast and loved all of the eggs.

At home we hunted eggs with Aunt Stephanie and Uncle Michael. Oddly, this is how we ended the day instead of starting it. Doesn't matter, it was fun. The boys had so much fun with all of their easter baskets and buckets and presents from everyone. I swear it rivaled Christmas this year!

I dyed some easter eggs and Alex died a couple too. I wanted to try "natural" egg dyes. What I learned was it takes LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of whatever you are going to color your egg with to actually color an egg. I tried red onion skins and instead of a nice red color, I got a very brown egg! I also dumped a bunch of food coloring in some water when I was cooking eggs and got a really nice pretty pale green egg. Again, it takes a lot of food coloring for a little bit of color. Alex did the Snyder family tradition of q-tips and food coloring for his eggs. Anyway, it was fun. Here is a picture after one of our many egg hunts.

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