I've been meaning to send out updates on the boys forever and a day, but I never seem to find the time to do it. I thought it would be fun to actually do a little newsletter periodically, but then I realized that requires way more time and effort than I have. So, this will have to suffice.
So, what's going on with my little guys? Well, Alex is a totally typical two and a half year old. He's super sweet and fun one minute, and super cranky the next!! You just never know what will set him off. However, he has recently begun to understand his feelings and is exercising his ever increasing vocabulary by telling us "I'm upset because..." Wow, amazing how well talking works to solve problems!! Seriously though, he's awesome and perfect and I wouldn't change a thing about him. He also loves to be creative. He loves to pretend he's a million different animals, and he loves to sing songs and draw pictures. Anything with stickers is fantastic!
Alex also figured out how to make the pedals on his tricycle go all the way around. One of his all time favorite things to do is "ride all around the block". He's anxious to tell whoever he sees that he can go all the way around now.
As for Ben, well, his favorite thing to do is bother Alex! Ben wants to be wherever Alex is, play with the same things, follow Alex around, try to eat his food, you get the picture! He loves to ride in the little red wagon, especially when Alex is pulling him. He's officially 10 months old now and he just totally amazes me. He sprouted his first two teeth a short while ago and he's walking all over the place. He even figured out how to stand up without holding onto anything a couple of days ago. Crazy! Now, if I could just figure out how to get him to sleep a bit better we'd be all set.
So that's the quick and dirty on the boys. As for Mike and I, well, what do you really want to know? There's not much to tell. Curling started again back in Sept. It's still the greatest sport ever! Alex actually came out and pushed a stone with me a few weeks ago, so so cute! I run all day with the boys, we always seem to have some place to go. Much to Alex's dismay, Mike has to work, but he gets a few minutes of playtime in during the day.
Stayed tuned to this blog in the future, and I'll try my best to keep it fairly current on all the happenings with my munchkins!! As for this coming week, we've got plans for everything from trips to the bookstore, to picnics, to plain old fashioned playtime.