Thursday, September 10, 2015

This & That

Vacation seems like a lifetime ago, yet I will at some point, write about it a bit, throw up a few pics.  In the meantime, here's what's been going on in our little world.

It's hot, it's Texas, it's supposed to be that way.  I'm still tired of it though.

As of tomorrow we will have successfully completed 1/12 of the school year.  Only 33 weeks to go.  Sigh.  Not like I'm counting or anything.  I have been minimizing time spent up there thus far, and it is working out great.  Lots of teachers are asking me to read with their kids though so I imagine I will start that next week.

Speaking of school, bedtime is the time for the confession of transgressions for the older kid.  Tonight's confession - he got a warning for playing with his ruler.  A warning is an improvement, he's already had it taken away once this year for an extended period of time.  This from the kid who has always been a perfect angel.  He says he is bored, which I totally get.  I asked if he could just read a book or something, apparently not because the boredom comes during lecture time when he should be paying attention and not reading or apparently playing with rulers.  Sorry kid, have to follow the rules on this one, and you better get used to boring lectures.  Still have 8 more years of schooling before college.

I sort of unofficially started on a little house project I've been wanting to do for several years now.  We are going to build some swanky new bookcases for the library/music room.  Got the cabinets that will serve as the base a couple of days ago.  It will be lots of work, but should be fun.  No doubt there will be updates to follow.

And our dishwasher died last night.  It served us for the last 12 years and another family for 8 years before that.  I wouldn't say it served us well, maybe earlier on, but not anytime recently.  But, it has worked and now it doesn't so a new one is undoubtedly in our future.  In the meantime I've put some scrubby sponges to good use. I always think of my grandma when I have to wash ALL the dishes by hand.  She never had a dishwasher and would always wash the dishes first thing in the morning, never wanting anyone to help her.  She would say that it was relaxing and a good way to start her day.

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