We have a skunkle! In case you are wondering, I will now enlighten you as to what exactly a skunkle is. At breakfast a couple of weeks ago, Alex said "Mommy, there's a skunk in the yard!" Being the good mom I am, I said, "Sure honey, whatever you say. If he comes back again be sure to tell me." A few minutes later, Alex is all excited, "Mommy, the skunk is back!" This time I got to the window to see the "skunk". As you know, everything is bigger in Texas. What we have is a HUGE squirrel that is half black and half brown. The squirrel's head and top half of the body are very black and the lower half, including the back legs and tail is just normal squirrel brown. But the thing is just abnormally large for a squirrel. The coloring is what confused Alex. Anyway, we dubbed the critter the skunkle. He makes a regular appearance in our yard in order to eat our...
Peaches! Yum! For the first time we actually have an abundance of peaches on our tree, not so many that we are overloaded, but enough so that every day we can go pick a couple of ripe ones and have a tasty snack. I think the end is near though and this weekend I will probably pick the last batch. Total, we've probably gotten close to 30 or so peaches. Hard to say for sure because we eat them as fast as we pick them.
And finally, I'm going for mom of the week award. Somehow or other the boys and I were discussing super heroes on Monday and they, mostly Alex actually, decided that they would like some super hero capes. I let the kids pick the fabric all by themselves and I stayed up very late Wed. & Thurs. making super hero capes. They are very happy though, so I am happy!

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