Ben and I had a conversation about work today. It went something like this:
Ben: Where is Uncle Michael?
Mom: He's at work.
Ben: Where is Aunt Stephanie?
Mom: She's at work too.
Ben: Are they working at home?
Mom: No baby, they aren't at home. They have to work in an office.
Ben: Oh OK, like daddy goes to work in an office?
Mom: Yes, like daddy. You know, mommy works to. Do you know what mommy does?
Ben: Yes.
Mom: What does mommy do?
Ben: Mommy does curling.
There you have it, my official job is curling.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Skunkles, Peaches, & Super Heroes
We have a skunkle! In case you are wondering, I will now enlighten you as to what exactly a skunkle is. At breakfast a couple of weeks ago, Alex said "Mommy, there's a skunk in the yard!" Being the good mom I am, I said, "Sure honey, whatever you say. If he comes back again be sure to tell me." A few minutes later, Alex is all excited, "Mommy, the skunk is back!" This time I got to the window to see the "skunk". As you know, everything is bigger in Texas. What we have is a HUGE squirrel that is half black and half brown. The squirrel's head and top half of the body are very black and the lower half, including the back legs and tail is just normal squirrel brown. But the thing is just abnormally large for a squirrel. The coloring is what confused Alex. Anyway, we dubbed the critter the skunkle. He makes a regular appearance in our yard in order to eat our...
Peaches! Yum! For the first time we actually have an abundance of peaches on our tree, not so many that we are overloaded, but enough so that every day we can go pick a couple of ripe ones and have a tasty snack. I think the end is near though and this weekend I will probably pick the last batch. Total, we've probably gotten close to 30 or so peaches. Hard to say for sure because we eat them as fast as we pick them.
And finally, I'm going for mom of the week award. Somehow or other the boys and I were discussing super heroes on Monday and they, mostly Alex actually, decided that they would like some super hero capes. I let the kids pick the fabric all by themselves and I stayed up very late Wed. & Thurs. making super hero capes. They are very happy though, so I am happy!

Peaches! Yum! For the first time we actually have an abundance of peaches on our tree, not so many that we are overloaded, but enough so that every day we can go pick a couple of ripe ones and have a tasty snack. I think the end is near though and this weekend I will probably pick the last batch. Total, we've probably gotten close to 30 or so peaches. Hard to say for sure because we eat them as fast as we pick them.
And finally, I'm going for mom of the week award. Somehow or other the boys and I were discussing super heroes on Monday and they, mostly Alex actually, decided that they would like some super hero capes. I let the kids pick the fabric all by themselves and I stayed up very late Wed. & Thurs. making super hero capes. They are very happy though, so I am happy!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Well, hello! How are you? Me, oh, I'm fine, thanks for asking. Yeah, it does kind of look like I fell off the earth here. No, no reason really. I just haven't felt much like enlightening the world about our lives. Sometimes it's just kind of like that. But, today I am feeling a bit more like sharing. I may have to cut this short though, it's in the middle of nap time and I expect that my little munchkins will wake up soon.
I last left you with pollen, nearly 2 months ago. I had in mind to do a nice little post all about babies shortly after that - baby birds, baby dogs, baby fish, people babies, but I never got around to it. Long story short, we had a spat of babies popping into our lives for a bit there in the spring. We had a nest of baby cardinals, so fun to watch. We saw the eggs, watched them hatch and then watched as they left the nest a short time later. I know I commented on our fish, George & Gracie, and their babies. The first batch of babies resulted in about 4 or 5 that have survived the trials of our tank. There is currently a second batch of babies - probably about 70+, we'll see how many of those survive. Baby people - I had the honor of watching a 2 year old and then a couple of weeks later a 3 year old as their mommas both had new babies. Those were both middle of the night deals too - but, all went well. The new babies are darling and that is that. Finally, baby dogs. Yes, I asked Mike (quite randomly at that) if we could get a puppy. Mostly I think it was just to see how he would react. No, we are not getting a puppy. Yes, it is a COMPLETELY mutual agreement. But, I do have a friend who recently adopted a great dane puppy - so so sweet!
Garden update - wow is it fun to eat stuff I've grown! We pretty much devoured all the spinach and kale already. As soon as my tomatoes are ripe they are eaten right off the plant, still sun-warmed (they are cherry tomatoes) . Same for the strawberries. I dug up my first potato, will dig the rest up this week. The corn is almost ready as well. The herbs make an appearance almost daily in my kitchen, I have to be careful or I will decimate the plants. I did have some caterpillars devour all of my dill and parsley, but I think those plants served a good cause so I won't complain. The peach tree is so full of fruit it's branches are touching the ground in places. I imagine and hope for a good harvest by month's end. My sunflowers are blooming - I even have a red one this year and I finally replanted the front bed. It's been a very successful growing season.
We've been doing plenty to stay busy. The boys are just insane, but I love it (most of the time, sometimes they totally drive me CRAZY!) Pretend school seems to have ended. Really there isn't much to say there, I think the other moms were simply too busy with newborns to participate anymore. I'm OK with that though, it just gives me more time with the boys and more freedom. We've found a new (new to us that is) museum to frequent. It's on the UT campus, has all of these really great fossils and dinosaur skeletons and is absolutely perfect for kids their age. I am glad to have found it now that summer is here, a nice cool place on a scorching day. Which brings me to the weather. We had an amazing spring, much cooler than in years past, with plenty of rain too. But, it is June and that means that the cool weather is gone until October and it will be 90+ for the summer. We'll have 100 degree days starting this weekend.
Oh, I almost forgot, Alex has a new found love for his bike. Back in February and March he started to ride a little bit, but suddenly gave it up and wouldn't touch it. Last week I talked him into a ride again and now he wants to ride every day. We've had a few falls, one pretty good skinned knee and a slightly skinned elbow, but he's still riding. By this time next year, I bet he won't need training wheels any longer. Ben loves to ride too.
Finally, I'm going to leave you with one last run down of todays events. I'm getting hot you see and I want to get something to drink. It's hot because our AC finally died. There are 3 guys working hard to get a new one installed. I caught a scorpion this morning and relocated him to the greenbelt - yay me for not smooshing the little guy. The check engine light came on in my car today, that's my job tomorrow, hopefully it will be nothing. Yuck to all the silliness of the day!
Alex is awake so I'm going now, thanks for stopping by!
I last left you with pollen, nearly 2 months ago. I had in mind to do a nice little post all about babies shortly after that - baby birds, baby dogs, baby fish, people babies, but I never got around to it. Long story short, we had a spat of babies popping into our lives for a bit there in the spring. We had a nest of baby cardinals, so fun to watch. We saw the eggs, watched them hatch and then watched as they left the nest a short time later. I know I commented on our fish, George & Gracie, and their babies. The first batch of babies resulted in about 4 or 5 that have survived the trials of our tank. There is currently a second batch of babies - probably about 70+, we'll see how many of those survive. Baby people - I had the honor of watching a 2 year old and then a couple of weeks later a 3 year old as their mommas both had new babies. Those were both middle of the night deals too - but, all went well. The new babies are darling and that is that. Finally, baby dogs. Yes, I asked Mike (quite randomly at that) if we could get a puppy. Mostly I think it was just to see how he would react. No, we are not getting a puppy. Yes, it is a COMPLETELY mutual agreement. But, I do have a friend who recently adopted a great dane puppy - so so sweet!
Garden update - wow is it fun to eat stuff I've grown! We pretty much devoured all the spinach and kale already. As soon as my tomatoes are ripe they are eaten right off the plant, still sun-warmed (they are cherry tomatoes) . Same for the strawberries. I dug up my first potato, will dig the rest up this week. The corn is almost ready as well. The herbs make an appearance almost daily in my kitchen, I have to be careful or I will decimate the plants. I did have some caterpillars devour all of my dill and parsley, but I think those plants served a good cause so I won't complain. The peach tree is so full of fruit it's branches are touching the ground in places. I imagine and hope for a good harvest by month's end. My sunflowers are blooming - I even have a red one this year and I finally replanted the front bed. It's been a very successful growing season.
We've been doing plenty to stay busy. The boys are just insane, but I love it (most of the time, sometimes they totally drive me CRAZY!) Pretend school seems to have ended. Really there isn't much to say there, I think the other moms were simply too busy with newborns to participate anymore. I'm OK with that though, it just gives me more time with the boys and more freedom. We've found a new (new to us that is) museum to frequent. It's on the UT campus, has all of these really great fossils and dinosaur skeletons and is absolutely perfect for kids their age. I am glad to have found it now that summer is here, a nice cool place on a scorching day. Which brings me to the weather. We had an amazing spring, much cooler than in years past, with plenty of rain too. But, it is June and that means that the cool weather is gone until October and it will be 90+ for the summer. We'll have 100 degree days starting this weekend.
Oh, I almost forgot, Alex has a new found love for his bike. Back in February and March he started to ride a little bit, but suddenly gave it up and wouldn't touch it. Last week I talked him into a ride again and now he wants to ride every day. We've had a few falls, one pretty good skinned knee and a slightly skinned elbow, but he's still riding. By this time next year, I bet he won't need training wheels any longer. Ben loves to ride too.
Finally, I'm going to leave you with one last run down of todays events. I'm getting hot you see and I want to get something to drink. It's hot because our AC finally died. There are 3 guys working hard to get a new one installed. I caught a scorpion this morning and relocated him to the greenbelt - yay me for not smooshing the little guy. The check engine light came on in my car today, that's my job tomorrow, hopefully it will be nothing. Yuck to all the silliness of the day!
Alex is awake so I'm going now, thanks for stopping by!
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