Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day!

The boys are in the bathtub, which means we are NOT going to see fireworks tonight, well not up close anyway. The day started off well enough, everybody even slept a little later - it was almost 7 before everyone was finally up. Mike told Alex that today was a special day and that we were going to see a parade and watch fireworks, all very exciting stuff. After breakfast we headed up to the park to see the parade and that's when the day started to fall apart. Alex was a little grumpy that we weren't DRIVING to the parade, we had to walk. We let him take his tricycle because the kids get to ride in the parade if they want. So, long story even longer, we parked on a corner and waited for the parade to come by. Alex decided he wanted to go see what was going on up at the park so I took him up there and he ended up riding his little tricycle in the "parade". Parade in this since is a grand stretch of the word, really it was just everyone in the neighborhood walking while their kids rode bikes. We did a loop that was about a mile and ended up back at the park where there was water and watermelon for all. Alex was quite upset that we had to eat the watermelon the old fashioned way, right off the rind. He really wanted it cut up into nice little pieces in a bowl. Oh well, he got over it.

To really drag out this months long post, the rest of the afternoon just wasn't a great one for Alex. He fussed and grumped about every little thing. He was in a right awful mood and we opted to skip out on the fireworks, none of us could take anymore excitement!

Mike and I did get to catch a few fireworks right up close and personal. Our next door neighbor for some reason or other thought it was a good idea to set them off right in the street, we're talking about the big ones that make everyone go "OOOOHHHH", and "AAAAAAHHHHH". Yeah, too much beer for them that night I think!

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