August is by far my least favorite time of year in TX. It's just hot. Stupid hot. And there is no break in the heat, ever. And we want to go out and do fun things and enjoy the end of summer break, but it's so stupid hot. Swimming brings little to no relief because the water temperature is like a warm bath and that's just gross in the middle of summer. And everything and everyone is all about back to school, except for me. So there it is. And I look at vacation pictures and in my whole heart that's where I want to be with my little family. Not here in hot Austin.
All of that aside, I suppose a bit of a recap of July is in order. Fireworks on the 4th - was hesitant to go since we were heading out of town the next day. But, we were all pa. cked and we had a great water balloon fight, there was a bit of a breeze that night and it was great. Fireworks on the 4th always make me happy. Then we left and we had 2 amazing weeks of hiking and travel and adventure. Came back, headed into appointments and real life and it mostly just sucked. Then my birthday happened and that was fun. My sweet boys (all 3) took such great care of me and we had a lovely lazy day and lots of great chocolate cake. We made another trip to the farm to visit my friend and her very special cow. The boys gathered eggs, we played, had lunch, lovely visit. And back to life.
So that pretty much wraps up July. I haven't mentioned anything about the ongoing efforts to sort out some minor allergy/asthma issues with Ben. It's not really noteworthy other than to say we've spent too many summer hours sitting in Dr. offices, too many follow up appointments. Even had fun with x-rays. There is no trouble, just a nagging little thing we are trying to sort out. Ben is in perfect health. It's just been an annoying part of the summer.
We were very lucky to get to meet Spencer the special cow, luckier yet to see him a second time. Sadly, he died last week. The heat got to be too much and with his health problems he just couldn't handle it. Makes us all sad, he was more like a dog trapped in a cow's body than a cow. Anyway, future visits to the farm won't quite seem the same without a tipsy cow following us all over the place.
Can't end an odd and somewhat depressing post on such a sad note. So. Maybe just one pretty vacation picture. Carhenge. Just because :-)