Friday, October 2, 2009

So far behind...

Everytime I think I'm catching up and spending a few days updating this blog I seem to let it lapse for another month. By now I am sure all of you faithful readers are quite aware that this will never change. No doubt you check each day, waiting with your breath held as the page refreshes in the hopes that I have some new tidbit of something to share. As always, I am sorry to disappoint you so frequently. However, today is different, as today I am posting something, just for you!

Now I can't really think of anything terribly relevant or exciting to post, so I'll do the usual "this is the past month" update. We'll start with the most recent and work backwards as that is how my memory seems to be working at the moment.

We had a wonderful time with Grandma Rita and all of the Snyder family. It's awesome that you all could come down and spend so much time here. We packed in so many fun activities, had a blast with all those kiddos running around all over the place and hope we can do it again soon!

Pretend school - really this deserves a post in and of itself, so I'll keep it brief and plan to do just that sometime soon. The long and the short of it is a couple of friends and I have been getting our kiddos together several times a week for our version of pre-school. So far so good, we are all having a blast.

Curling started a few weeks ago. As you well know, this is just the cat's meow for me (ok, really bad metaphor there but hey, what do you expect??!!) Anyway, I love it, and am thoroughly excited about the upcoming season. Somehow or other I have managed to attain the position of Skip this season, so I have my own team and get to call the games for my team. I am really excited, have tons to learn, and just hope to win once or twice, or not get totally completely blown out of the water when we do lose. I've got 2 other experienced curlers and 1 newbie on my team, it will be great!

And finally, for now anyway, I'm just going to say that I want my stupid sinus infection to go away!!!

(Really, the last thing, the weather finally broke, it has rained, flowers are blooming, it's been lovely enough to spend ALL day outdoors. Of course it's also the reason that I am in week 3 of this stupid sinus infection...)